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This chapter is telling us that we belong to a home, a church. Our church (fellow christians) is our family in christ. For me the main point of this chapter is to express the fact that God has these indivuals so that we can connect with one another in his name so that in our righteous walk we dont feel alone. Also Warren tells us that each and every one of us make up a body and without one part the body is not whole. So without rook's knowledge, my love, and my moms guidance we cant be effective because one makes the other stronger!
by cdominique - Comments: 1 - Views: 1056

I love the opening scripture in this chapter, "No matter what i say, what i believe, and what i do, I'm bankrupt without love." This chapter and scripture has so much truth to it because you go through life thinking on how much you do to please God, your family and friends but all that is required of you is to love. This chapter talks about how God wants us to love because it is apart of the significance of his family. It also talks about how love should be your top priority. These three main points, Life without love is worthless, Love will last forever, and Wee will be evaluated on...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 372

Well im going to start by saying i am grateful to be apart of Gods family and to have you all beside me! cheers God's gifts and the benefits of his family is far more amazing than ever. Something that can help you to want to become apart of his family is the fact that you will no longer have to suffer and deal with pain and hurt, also you will be transformed, and given all that God can give you. The families that we have on earth can be damaged and thats why God offers us the choice of being his child so that he can...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 430

Hmm this chapter i can truly say was amazing. So many times we, well i, can be so discouraged and/or doubtful when things arent so pleasant. The first thing most of us think is well where is God and why isn't he answering my prayers. When we make our relationship with God true and trustworthy we are able to know that whem times get rough or when we are being tested of faith we should stand firm. Us as christians, true believers, should know straight up that God will never abandon us. Something i never even really thought of that Warren pointed out was that we sometimes focus on the feeling of...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 412

This chapter sums up most of the first couple chapters explaining how we need to have a heart of worship. God wants our all to be put in our worshihp. One thing that i know is heplful when worshiping is, just try and focus on you and God, focus on making your worship true and passionate, and definitely make your worship personal. That is basically what this chapter is saying God doesnt just want worship but accurate, authentic, thoughtful, and practical worship. Practical worship was something that really caught my eye. When we worship God we dont have to be all deep with it, yes passionate, but...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 382

Well i think that its a given that in order for God to work tremendously through us we have to be honest and trusting with him.These are the basic things that stick out to me most when i think of developing my relationship with God.' One thing that Warren said was interesting, ''intimate friendship with God is a choice not a accident'
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 353

Wow isn't amazing that God would want to consider us his friend? I know that if my creator, ruler, lord, and so much more, if he even thinks of considering me a friend that would bring joy to my heart. Because of the fact that God is who he is we should be honored to be his friend. I think that its takes a humble and non selfish person to acknowledge someone who can disobey you, curse you, and etc, as a friend. All of times we forget that God is a kind friend. We spend a lot of time focusing on how he is our creator and ruler (which is definitely true), but sometimes just knowing that he is our...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 418

This chapter mainly talks about surrendering unto God. We have to give him our full hearts. What I found interesting was how Warren interpreted what a surrendered person is like to God. When we surrender to God we surrender as our very selves. For example when i surrender unto God our don't have to be a ell educated priest or minister and know every bible verse, but I just have to be myself just the way God created me. Of course when we surrender unto God we have make a stand to do away with send an make God our priority but still don't change your uniqueness. When we surrender that means we are...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 437

Piggy back on the last chapter: Have a relationship with God. In evrything we do make sure it brings glory to GOd, that it outs a smile on his face. An easy way to try and continually live for Christ is to make sure he smiles at everything you do. Love him genuinely, trust him completely, obey him at all times, praise for everything, use the gifts he has given you, all of these are the most important ways to make God smile. I know for me I have a hard time in using mysirtual gifts and my natural ones, sometimes it can be hard for me to praise him with everything and in every situation. I believe...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 396

The first purpose for my life, I was planned for God's purpose! I really like how Warren reminds us that God too has emotions and that is the very reason that we do as well. We bring pleasure to God through worship. When we worship God we have to make it all about him. We can not just sing or dance and say we are worshiping him, but we must make it personal get in touch with Christ. We have to make worship intimate and show God how much we love, care, and appreciate him. Worship is for his benefit. Important fact: do everything as if you were doing it for Jesus.
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 409

''The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God'' The meaning of this chapter is basically self explanatory, everything that God has created was meant to serve him in some way. Everything in the end will bow down to Christ and that what we people have to realize. Nothing God created is an accident, our purpose is to serve him and give him all the glory!
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 439

In this chapter Warren is mainly trying to get people to understand that we need to not cherish so much of our time on being on earth. I believe that it is vitallu important that we compare everyday life on earth to life in eternity because it will help us to look at the bigger picture. Our life may seem long but it isnt at all. I know for me i have to keep reminding myself that the greatest gift is eternal life and it is most important. I really like when Warren said, when we grasp the truth of life then we will stop worrying about ''having it all'' on earth.
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 403

This chapter definitely makes a lot of sense because when you think about it everything we do has a reason behind it and most of the time that reason is that God wants to see our heart or if we are ready to let go and let God take control. If nothing else should make us want to please God it should be simply for fact that he cares and loves us enough to trust us already knowing how we may mess up but yet he still gives us a chance. I would call this the motivation chapter.
by cdominique - Comments: 3 - Views: 422

The main point I got out of this chapter was to not focus on so much trying to live but focus LIVING,,, I can be focused on getting my education, running track, making friends, having money, being in a relationship, but really none of that matters. Yes of course those thing are great and somewhat important but the point that Rick Warren is trying to make is that we spend to much time only worrying about the life here on Earth. We need to realize that the most focus should be on makin sure we end up LIVING in heaven! You never know when your time is up but you always want to know where you'll end...
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 380

Wow its amazing how we can let other things drive our life without even realizing it. We put so much time and effort into the material things and emotions that we lose focus on the pictre of life, our fulfillment and purpose in God. This chapter really explains a lot! And another daily motivation shoul definitely be to keep those five great benefits of purpose driven living in mind remembering that your purpose is wat drives your life!
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 416

I am not an accident! This chapter will just make you thank God because of the fact that he even thought to create you. Sometimes we complain about different situations we face, how we look, and even why our life is full of so many mistakes aand flaws but what we forget to realize is that everything indeed happens for a reason. That reason is the purpose and plan that God has for us regarding those situations. God created us in love; what greater thing to make you grateful for life thanthat! One part of this chapter that i really enjoyed was the poem Warren quoted. My favorite part was ''No, that...
by cdominique - Comments: 2 - Views: 387

This chapter is the foundation of knowing what our life's pirpose is. Your pupose has nothing to do with your personal self but everything to do with God. It does not matter what you like or what you do not like, it only matters what God has put you on earth for. I enjoyed how the author put this into persperctive and really showed us that you find your instructions (purpose) from your inventor (God). I can not wait to read the rest!
by cdominique - Comments: 0 - Views: 385
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